The tradition of wearing birthstones developed over many centuries, in many parts of the world. Throughout history, people have attributed healing, magical, spiritual, or protective properties to gemstones. Amethysts, for example, open psychic abilities while garnets are thought to bring prosperity and luck. Birthstones, gemstones that correspond to the birth date of the wearer, have historically been thought to bring good luck, as well as to have healing or mystical energies. Different traditions and cultures vary in the way they designate birthstones. You can choose your birthstone according to your Zodiac sign, birth month, Ayurvedic tradition, Tibetan mystical tradition, or...

Generally when we think of jewelry, we think of items such as bracelets, necklaces, and rings made of materials like sterling silver, gold, or platinum. However, as more and more people are trying to make a unique statement, jewelry is becoming more unique and at times wild and outrageous. Designers today are becoming more extreme in their ideas, and are even going so far as to use insects, plants, and other odd materials to come up with different, unique collections. Growing jewelry requires some care and maintenance. It must be watered regularly so that the plant thrives and stays healthy....